Podcast:The Besties Published On: Fri May 17 2013 Description: The gang is back in action. On this week's episode of The Besties, there's some derisive Snoopy talk, as well as an anthropomorphic helicopter. Griffin has his doubts and Justin changes his pick at the last minute, much to the chagrin of the other Besties. 03:50 - Best reason to hate Snoopy (Sid Meier's Ace Patrol) 10:25 - Best way to waste $20 (Injustice on iOS) 19:00 - Half time: Daft Punk and a new car 24:00 - Best gaming news story of the decade that is getting worse and worse with every passing day (Shadow of the Eternals) 38:40 - Best way to remake a retro franchise (Thunder Wolves) 41:00 - The winner is... Theme song by Ian Dorsch Get the show: Download MP3" Subscribe to the podcast (RSS) Subscribe on iTunes Get the full list of games (and other stuff) discussed at www.besties.fan. Want more episodes? Join us at patreon.com/thebesties for three bonus episodes each month!