“Conservative Christians Need To Stop Idolizing The 1950s.” - With Author Bekah Merkle
“Conservative Christians Need To Stop Idolizing The 1950s.” - With Author Bekah Merkle  
Podcast: Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Published On: Fri May 12 2023
Description: Dare we say an obsession with the concept of a 1950s Housewife was recently resurged amongst Conservative women. But in a society that glorifies girl-bossing over homemaking – is this glorification problematic? Was the 1950s *actually* the ideal time to be a woman? Perhaps even spicier: Is the #tradwife movement, which perpetuates a legalistic view of what wifely duties and motherhood “should” look like, completely warping God’s commands for women?This episode of The Spillover covers all of t...