EP: 190 The Hat Man & The Dead Crow
EP: 190 The Hat Man & The Dead Crow  
Podcast: Blurry Creatures
Published On: Wed Sep 06 2023
Description: The Hat Man is said to have a solid outline in contrast to whispy shadow people. Some people report him in old-timey clothes, a long trench or cape, and various hats — usually a fedora or a gaucho hat (think southwestern cowboy, which fits since the shadow realm is nothing if not an uncontrollable Wild West). Our guest this week woke up and saw this figure standing in his room. He was looking right at him with a piercing gaze and that alone would be terrifying enough but this time he wasn't alone. Become a member to listen to this episode and many more. blurrycreatures.com/members Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices