(A) Strange Experiences In The Woods | Archive Ep128
(A) Strange Experiences In The Woods | Archive Ep128  
Podcast: Paranormal Mysteries
Published On: Wed Jul 05 2023
Description: On today’s show, we’ll be talking more about some of the bizarre things that people have experienced in the forest, as well as some who believe that they almost didn’t make it back.In episode 66 and 88 I discussed some of the odd phenomena that seems to be taking place in and around wilderness areas throughout the world. I typically refer to these reports as “almost missing” because the witness almost always experiences a sense of disorientation and a feeling as if they’re being led off into the forest by an unknown source. It’s a phenomenon that’s so widespread that people all over the world claim to have experienced it, and if I had to pick a favorite paranormal topic, these phenomena would definitely be in my top 5.But to be clear, I don’t take this topic lightly and it heavily on my mind whenever I’m backpacking or camping. There have been thousands of people that have gone missing without a trace under extremely odd circumstances and I can’t help but wonder what they would have to report if they were able to return, and my thoughts and prayers go out to those individuals and their families.TELL YOUR STORY Contact Form or Voice Message: http://www.sharemyevp.com Email: paranormalmysteriespodcast@gmail.com SUPPORT THE SHOW Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/join/paranormalmysteries?BuyMeACoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/paranormalPayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=MG24QCZBAWRRNMerchandise: https://www.zazzle.com/store/paranormalmysteries WEBSITE, FORUM & SOCIAL MEDIA Website: https://www.paranormalmysteriespodcast.com Forum: https://www.paranormalmysteriespodcast.com/forum YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ParanormalMysteriesPodcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paranormalmysteriespodcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paranormalmysteriespodcast Twitter: https://twitter.com/ParaMysteryPod MY WIFE’S “SLEEP AND RELAXATION PODCAST” YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SleepandRelaxationPodcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3aOsZoy Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3zwS29T Pandora: https://bit.ly/3xjB1NXEPISODE REFERENCESMysterious Universe: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2020/07/mysterious-trails-strange-calls-from-the-wilds-and-the-almost-vanished/Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/PODCAST MUSIC & MEDIA https://www.paranormalmysteriespodcast.com/stock-music-media PODCAST SOURCE https://www.spreaker.com/show/paranormal-mysteries-podcast © 2023 Paranormal Mysteries Podcast, Nic Ryan Media