Cash Is Making Money Again! Here Is What It Means For Your Wallet
Cash Is Making Money Again! Here Is What It Means For Your Wallet  
Podcast: Money Guy Show
Published On: Fri Oct 05 2018
Description: Hey Money Guy Show Family! Cash is making money again. That’s right. Times are changing and you can generate income from cash again. (Seriously) The Great Recession (2008-2009) slashed interest rates and they were in a free fall sitting on the bottom at 0.5% for the better part of a decade. Now, cash is making a comeback and it can yield over 2% today in high-yield savings accounts and over 2.5% in a 1-year CD and 3% for longer term CDs. We’re at the point now where we all should start paying attention to cash as an asset class that can yield a return and what you can do about it. For more details, please visit the show notes on our website: