There Are Things To Be Said...
There Are Things To Be Said...  
Published On: Wed Nov 27 2024
Description: Talk To Me Nice Thursday The world we live in is getting more and more expensive to live in as each day passes... Here are the 6 easiest way to make money... The Mass Debate... Get your head out of the gutter!, Mass-Debate!... The boys have 30 seconds each to debate whatever they pull out of the hat... Here is a snippet of our 2nd to last Sussed Sorted Shifting episode for this year, talking on how to get out of debt with Ange!, full episode is going live tomorrow! Hit that link below to stay caught up with anything and everything TMS. We dropped some merch! Use TMS for 10% off. Here is the link: Thank you to the team at Chemist Warehouse for helping us keep the lights on, here at The Morning Shift... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit