Deep into Dad Shaming & Shallow about Sherri Shepherd's Breast Reduction
Deep into Dad Shaming & Shallow about Sherri Shepherd's Breast Reduction  
Podcast: Andy Cohen’s Daddy Diaries Podcast
Published On: Thu Oct 05 2023
Description: Sherri Shepherd stops by the studio to talk about the second season of her hit show 'Sherri,' spying on her son, and all the logistics of her breast reduction. But to start us off, a live show listener calls in to take issue with my evening at a John Mayer concert while Ben was sick. Dad shaming in real time!For more interviews and behind-the-scenes tea, tune in to Andy Cohen Live weekdays on Radio Andy by subscribing to SiriusXM. Use my code for a free trial! Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ to listen to new episodes of Daddy Diaries ad-free and a whole week early. Start a free trial now on Apple Podcasts or by visiting