Podcast:The Money Love Podcast Published On: Tue May 04 2021 Description: Your money needs a priority, and it also needs an intentional plan. It needs to be directed and told where to go and the purpose it’s going to serve in your overall financial plan. The truth is that most people do not have a plan or priority for their money. They are operating “willy-nilly” using general rules and guidelines and then are left frustrated when they aren’t creating the financial results they hoped for. In this week’s episode of The Money Love Podcast, we are exploring a ground-breaking concept that I teach my students and clients, which is having a priority for your money. By implementing this strategy with your money you will always ensure that you can cover your basic needs, meet your minimum debt obligations, hit every financial goal you set for yourself, be saving for future expenses that you know are coming, and lastly using your money on items and experiences that bring fun and happiness into your life. This is an episode that has the potential to change the way you organize and manage your money forever. Enjoy! If you’re wanting a great system to implement this money priority, use this affiliate link to start your free 34-day trial with YNAB (You Need A Budget) and by using this link you’ll get a free month after subscribing! FREE TRAINING: Stop Impulse Shopping Join Overcoming Overspending Connect further with Paige: Social: Website: https://www.paigepritchard.com IG: @overcoming_overspending TikTok: @overcoming_overspending Subscribe to the YouTube Channel