92: Do you have a spending problem?
92: Do you have a spending problem?  
Podcast: The Money Love Podcast
Published On: Tue Feb 14 2023
Description: You know you’re not happy with the financial results you’re creating. You can see that you’re not making any forward progress (and perhaps even moving backward). You're aware you’ve developed some unhealthy habits when it comes to the management of your finances but you’re still able to check a lot of the financial to-do boxes each month like not spending more than you make and being able to pay off your credit cards in full. Even so, you still feel like you’re falling short of your financial potential and you know you could be doing much better than you are. You know things could be much better than they are, but when do you know that your spending habits are becoming a problem? In this week’s episode of The Money Love Podcast Paige is answering one of the most common questions she gets which is “Do I have a spending problem?”. She’s breaking down how to tell the difference between an income problem and a spending problem, why having a high income isn’t a guarantee of financial success, why many people who have a spending problem think that they don’t, and the five most common red flags that she see’s of people who have a spending problem that you might see in yourself. This episode will be one that will undoubtedly stretch and challenge you, but always with the end goal of helping you progress along your financial journey. Enjoy!   FREE TRAINING: Why You Impulse Shop & How To Stop Connect With Paige: Website: https://www.paigepritchard.com  IG: @overcoming_overspending TikTok: @overcoming_overspending Subscribe to the YouTube Channel