Podcast:The Money Love Podcast Published On: Tue Dec 14 2021 Description: What would happen if you stripped away all the judgements, all the opinions, all the interpretations from your finances and you evaluated your current financial situation simply by the facts and the numbers? Doing this brings you into a place I call your pure financial circumstances, which ultimately is a place to rest from and escape the never-ending emotions, judgments and opinions we place on our financial situation. In this week's episode of The Money Love Podcast we’re talking all about a coaching topic that can be a game-changer, which is the pure financial circumstance. It’s the practice of evaluating your finances by the pure facts. When we can do this, we can give ourselves a reprieve from the negative emotion we often feel around our finances. We can find temporary peace in the neutrality, because neutrality is the safe space between negative and positive. Between suffering and success. It's only when we accept the neutrality of our situation that we give ourselves the opportunity to rewrite our story and intentionally create thoughts that help us create the financial results we most desire. Enjoy! FREE TRAINING: Stop Impulse Shopping Join Overcoming Overspending Connect further with Paige: Social: Website: https://www.paigepritchard.com IG: @overcoming_overspending TikTok: @overcoming_overspending Subscribe to the YouTube Channel