Podcast:The Money Love Podcast Published On: Tue Mar 29 2022 Description: Are you winning or losing with the purchasing decisions that you make? Many of us don’t even realize that when we are spending money, we are making an exchange of value. We get so numb to swiping our credit cards that we forgot to evaluate if we’re making a positive winning exchange with our money or a negative losing exchange with our money. The truth is that every time you spend money you are giving yourself the opportunity to either increase the level of value in your life, or decrease the level of value in your life. The choice is yours, but your spending can be a tool that you use to fill up your life to the brim with value. Sadly, most of us don’t use it that way. This week on The Money Love Podcast we are talking about a concept I created called the spending value exchange which is one of my 5 qualities of being a good spender. We talk about what the spending value exchange is, why it’s important, what it looks like to be on the winning side, and also what it looks like to be on the losing side of the exchange. It’s a concept that will take your spending habits and your financial results to the next level. It’s how we transform our spending from being an act filled with questioning, shame, and regret to an act that empowers us and helps us reach our next-level self. This is a transformative episode you won’t want to miss. If this is an area you need help with, I encourage you to join us within Overcoming Overspending (using the below link) in the month of March to snag the founding member rate, which will be the lowest price I will ever offer. I’m looking forward to having you within the program! FREE TRAINING: Why You Impulse Shop & How To Stop Join Overcoming Overspending Connect further with Paige: Social: Website: https://www.paigepritchard.com IG: @overcoming_overspending TikTok: @overcoming_overspending Subscribe to the YouTube Channel