You're Invited: Let's make December the best month of 2023
Podcast:The Money Love Podcast Published On: Fri Dec 01 2023 Description: If your December is typically filled with statements like: 🗣 After the holidays are over, I’ll… 🗣 When this busy season ends, then I can… 🗣 Once the new year starts, I will… I want you to try something different this year. Maybe you've given up on your dreams, desires, and goals until we have a fresh start and a new year begins. Typically all discipline gets thrown out the window with our consumption these last 30 days of the year (I know in years past this has been the case for me). We eat too much, drink too much, and spend too much and start the new year feeling weighed down, sluggish, and stressed. But how would it feel to make the final month of 2023 the most powerful of your entire year? To prioritize yourself and your finances, finish the year on a strong note, and carry that momentum into the new year ahead? This month inside the Overcoming Overspending Membership we're focusing on rediscovering and developing our discipline and I want to invite you to join us for only $49. It's your opportunity to make yourself (instead of everyone else) a priority to close out the year. It's a chance to build momentum going into 2024 and begin the new year on strong financial footing. A strong January is built in December, and there's no better time to invest in yourself than right now. For the next 3 days I'm offering $30 off your first month inside the membership. This means you get access to all of the below, plus ELEVEN live coaching calls with me in December for the cost of one Amazon order. 🤯 That comes out to less than $5 per hour long live coaching call (it really doesn't get better than that). It's risk free to join. Your first 30 days are covered by my love it or leave it guarantee, which means if you don't love it you can get your $49 refunded to you, no questions ask. After that, you can cancel at anytime, hassle free. Use the links below to jump in and join us: Ready to Join? Jump in HERE. Need more information on the Overcoming Overspending Membership? Find that HERE.