85: Losing Money
85: Losing Money  
Podcast: The Money Love Podcast
Published On: Tue May 24 2022
Description: There’s a lot going on in the world right now that is impacting the bottom lines of our budget and wallets and many of us are losing money. We’re spending more than we’re used to spending (hello inflation). We’re seeing red within our investment accounts (oh hey bear market). We’re experiencing supply chain issues, a war in Ukraine, and we’re still recovering from the effects of a two year long global pandemic. Although the external circumstances in our world feel like a roller coaster, your mental and emotional experience during this time doesn’t have to be. Many default to stress, worry, and anxiety becuase they think it’s the only option available to them during challenging times. But the most turbulant times can be our greatest teachers and our biggest opportunities for growth and this episode will show you how to take advantage of the gift we’ve been given through down times.    This week on The Money Love Podcast we are diving into the topic of losing money and how you can manage your mind during challenging times. We talk about why our brains are hardwired to avoid loss and why losing money is so mentally uncomfortable to us. I share with you the 3 constructs that many people believe that make the loss of financial resources more painful than it needs to be. I show you how to direct your energy and attention to the things that remain untouched by the level of your financial resources. And lastly, I remind you of the life-changing principal of where money really comes from and why if you lost all your money and possessions (worst-case scenario) you could go out and make more. Enjoy!    FREE TRAINING: Why You Impulse Shop & How To Stop Join Overcoming Overspending HERE   Connect further with Paige: Social: Website: https://www.paigepritchard.com  IG: @overcoming_overspending TikTok: @overcoming_overspending Subscribe to the YouTube Channel