139: Breaking Down Bankruptcy with Bankruptcy Attorney, Adrienne Hines
Podcast:The Money Love Podcast Published On: Thu Apr 11 2024 Description: In this week's episode of The Money Love Podcast, Paige is breaking down bankruptcy with Ohio bankruptcy attorney, Adrienne Hines. Bankruptcy is a financial tool that many know little about, is greatly misunderstood, and is clouded in shame, guilt, and judgement. This stops many people from considering it as an option to receive a fresh start along their financial journey. Adrienne Hines is on a mission to change that and her mission is to transform bankruptcy from a daunting word to a powerful tool for financial wellness and deliver debt relief with dignity to her audience. In this value-packed and enlightening conversation with Adrienne we are covering what bankruptcy is (and what is actually happening when you file bankruptcy), the two different types of bankruptcy and the requirements for each, the difference between using a debt settlement company and filing bankruptcy, how bankruptcy impacts your credit score and other ripple effects and implications of filing bankruptcy, what payments to prioritize if you're falling behind on your debt, and how to release the shame and guilt associated with filing bankruptcy. Enjoy! About Adrienne: Almost 30 Years of Experience: Adrienne is Ohio's trusted bankruptcy expert. Over two decades, she's transformed bankruptcy from a daunting word to a powerful tool for financial wellness and delivering debt relief with dignity. Pioneering the digital realm, Adrienne uses TikTok to debunk bankruptcy myths and boost financial literacy. Her mission: reshape how we see bankruptcy and highlight its role in financial empowerment and help you find debt relief with dignity. She won the 2023 Best Bankruptcy Advice Award from the 2023 FinTok Awards hosted by Debt.com. Find and Work with Adrienne: Her Website Her Instagram Her TikTok START HERE: FREE MASTERCLASS: Why You Impulse Shop & How To Stop Get Paige’s Money Recommendations Work with Paige: Join the Overcoming Overspending Membership HERE Use code “MLP30” at checkout to save $30 on your first month inside the membership Where you can find Paige online: Website: https://www.paigepritchard.com Instagram: @overcoming_overspending TikTok: @overcoming_overspending