176: The Heart & Spirituality of Your Money with Author and CFP, Julie Murphy
Podcast:The Money Love Podcast Published On: Tue Oct 22 2024 Description: On this episode of The Money Love Podcast we're talking about the heart and spirituality of your money with Author and CEO of JMC Wealth Management, Julie Murphy. Julie bridges finances with spirituality, helping people explore the connection between our emotions and money. Paige and Julie discuss the difference between being income affluent and asset affluent, how you can get yourself out of the slippery cycle of debt, how to start playing offense instead of defense with your money, the link between your negative emotion around money and disease, and the four spiritual laws of money. All of Julie's information and the resources referenced in this episode can be found below. Enjoy! Find and Connect with Julie: Her Website Her Instagram Her Podcast Register for one of her free money workshops Resources Referenced in this episode: Boundary Boss Book by Terri Cole START HERE: FREE MASTERCLASS: Why You Impulse Shop & How To Stop Get Paige’s Money Recommendations Work with Paige: Join the Overcoming Overspending Membership HERE Use code “MLP30” at checkout to save $30 on your first month inside the membership Where you can find Paige online: Website: https://www.overcomingoverspending.com Instagram: @overcoming_overspending TikTok: @overcoming_overspending