Podcast:The Money Love Podcast Published On: Tue Mar 08 2022 Description: Have you ever thought about what you’re buying yourself and what you’re creating for your future self when you’re not spending your money? For those of us who love to shop and spend, we view having and saving our money as the opposing force to what we really want. We think that having your money is boring, restrictive, and unnecessary. But what if I told you that wasn’t the case. What if I told you that you get to go shopping with every dollar you earn and the question isn’t “Should I save or should I spend?” but rather “I get to go shopping. What do I want to buy myself? Something tangible or something intangible?” In this episode of The Money Love Podcast, we’re talking about a groundbreaking concept about what you buy for yourself when you’re not spending. We explore what the opposite of spending is, the difference between having and saving your money, what you buy yourself when you’re spending and not spending your money, which is more valuable, and how to shift your mindset so that regardless of what you choose (spend or don’t spend) you win and feeling amazing about your choice. This episode will truly change the way you manage your money for the better. Enjoy! FREE TRAINING: Stop Impulse Shopping Join Overcoming Overspending Connect further with Paige: Social: Website: https://www.paigepritchard.com IG: @overcoming_overspending TikTok: @overcoming_overspending Subscribe to the YouTube Channel