115: YNAB: The Money Method that Changed My Life with Ashley Lapato of The Organized Wallet
Podcast:The Money Love Podcast Published On: Tue Sep 19 2023 Description: It's no secret that I am a huge fan on the money managagement software, YNAB (You Need A Budget). I've used the software for years and it has been the single most impactful tool in transforming my finances for the better. But it's so much more than just a budgeting software. YNAB is a money management method that is govered by 4 simple yet impactful rules to guide the decisions you make with money. I couldn't be more excited this week to dive into all things YNAB with none other than YNAB's personal finance educator, Ashley Lapato. Ashley spent years believing that she was just “bad with money” before finding YNAB, and she is now on a mission to teach others that money management is a skill - one that is never too late to learn. Ashley has earned a reputation on TikTok @TheOrganizedWallet for a refreshingly relatable approach to personal finance, which has helped hundreds of thousands learn to organize their finances and spend with confidence. In this episode together we break down what YNAB is, what makes it different from other money management systems, the 4 rules that govern the YNAB method, "little treat culture" that is taking over social media by storm, and we address the reservations you might have about trying YNAB to manage your money. Where to find Ashley: TikTok: @theorganizedwallet YNAB Resources: Start a free 30 day trial with YNAB (*note this is my YNAB affiliate link which will get you an additional free month if you end up subscribing after your 30-day free trial) Get the YNAB Book HERE Find the YNAB Impulse Spending Study HERE START HERE: FREE MASTERCLASS: Why You Impulse Shop & How To Stop Get Paige’s Money Recommendations Work with Paige: Join the Overcoming Overspending Membership HERE Use code MLP30 at checkout to save $30 off your first month inside the membership Where you can find Paige online: Website: https://www.paigepritchard.com IG: @overcoming_overspending TikTok: @overcoming_overspending Subscribe to Paige's YouTube Channel