101: Using Habits & Discipline to Become the Best Version of You with Life Coach Cecelia Mandryk
101: Using Habits & Discipline to Become the Best Version of You with Life Coach Cecelia Mandryk  
Podcast: The Money Love Podcast
Published On: Tue Apr 18 2023
Description: If you’re someone who struggles with doing what you say you’re going to do, if you identify as an undisciplined person, or if it seems like your well-intended plans are constantly falling short, then this week’s episode of The Money Love Podcast is for you. This week I am sitting down with Cecelia Mandryk, a life coach who’s passion is helping people live better lives through self discipline and habit change, to break down the importance of your financial habits and how to establish them and stick with them (aka discipline) in a way that feels easy and is filled with compassion, self-love, and curiosity.   In this value-packed episode we talk about the role that habits play in achieving the financial results you desire, how we view habits and discipline in ways that actually end up hurting us more than helping us, how to approach the habit formation process with love and compassion vs shame and judgement, how to work WITH your brain and nervous system while working to form a new habit rather than relying on force and willpower, why getting started is the most important part and Cecelia’s best tips for forming a new habit that makes it seem easy and natural, and how to reignite an old habit that you once we’re super committed to but have fallen off the bandwagon. This in no doubt a conversation that will have you thinking about habits and discipline in an entirely new and improved way. Enjoy!   BIO:  Cecelia is Certified Life Coach and Yoga Therapist who works with women to take life from 'this is it?' to 'this is IT!' Using cognitive science, yogic wisdom, and self discipline. In 1:1 and small group coaching, Cecelia works with you to figure out your priorities, what is keeping you stuck, and how to use self discipline as an act of love to implement your priorities through habits. By tapping into your thoughts and state of your nervous system behind your current habits (hello self sabotage!), the change you want starts to happen with ease. There's a change you want to make and getting there can be simpler than you think.    Where to find & connect with Cecelia: Instagram & TikTok: @ceceliabmandryk Her Website: www.ceceliabmandryk.com Workshop on Finding Time in your life     Work with Paige: Sign up for a 90-minute Intensive with Paige Join Overcoming Overspending HERE Explore Private Coaching with Paige   Where you can find Paige online: Website: https://www.paigepritchard.com   IG: @overcoming_overspending TikTok: @overcoming_overspending Subscribe to the YouTube Channel