Podcast:True Crime Garage Published On: Tue Jun 15 2021 Description: Chelsea Small /// Part 1 /// 495 Part 1 of 2 www.TrueCrimeGarage.com November 12, 2013 - 30 year-old Chelsea Small was fatally shot while working at a Cash Advance business in Taylor, Michigan. Questions facing detectives is wether Chelsea knew her attacker and the actual motive for the attack in the first place. The killer made off with a small amount of cash. Security tapes show male suspect with age ranging from 25- 50. Possible white male with dark bushy hair, ball cap with emblem, dark clothing that could be some type of work uniform and light colored boots or shoes. The man appears to remain extremely calm during the entirety on the crimes committed. Please watch the footage and look at the pictures of the suspect that have been released over the years. Someone will be able to identify this man. Detectives would like everyone to pay close attention to the man’s unique clothing and the label / tag on the man’s pants. They believe the clothing / tag could be the break in the case. We agree and would also like to point out that the weapon used was unique and the suspect may have committed additional crimes. Anyone with ANY information should submit a tip by phone at 1-800-speak-up or online at 1800speakup.org Beer of the Week - Sneaky F’n Vanilla by Arkane AleworksGarage Grade - 4 and a 1/4 Bottle Caps Our show - True Crime Garage “Off the Record” is available only on Stitcher Premium. For a FREE month of listening go to http://stitcherpremium.com/truecrimegarage and use promo code GARAGEBeer Fund: https://truecrimegarage.com/home