Podcast:True Crime Garage Published On: Tue May 09 2023 Description: Bible & Freeman Kidnapping and Murders ////// 669Part 1 of 1 www.TrueCrimeGarage.comBack in May of 2017 we covered a story we titled “The Missing Welch Girls.” That was a two part story and you can still listen, they are episodes 107 & 108. Since then, we have provided an update on our other show "Off The Record.” Today we come to you with another update, but no the good kind. One of the men responsible for the murder or four people and the abduction of our two missing Welch girls, Lauria Bible and Ashley Freeman is scheduled for an early release from prison. This is an outrage! Ronnie Busick will be released on Friday, May 19th, 2023. Yet, these two young ladies are still missing. Both Laura Bible and Ashley Freeman have been missing since December 30th 1999. They were both just sixteen years old. Today Laura would be just 40 years old and Ashley 39.Laura is Native American. She is listed at 5’5 inches tall, with Brown hair, and hazel eyes. She may have been wearing a blue shirt, jeans, white sneakers or black boots, and silver heart-shaped earrings with imbedded diamonds.Ashley Freeman is caucasian, 5 foot 7 inches tall. She has Blonde hair, and blue eyes. Ashley had an athletic build in 1999. She may have been wearing a t-shirt, jeans, a baseball cap, white sneakers, a windbreaker and a class ring inscribed with the phrase "Bluejacket High School Class of 2000."If you have any information of the possible whereabouts of Lauria Bible and Ashley Freeman, or if you have any further information about Ronnie Busick, Warren Phil Welch or David Pennington or any other criminal activity that any or all of these guys were involved in please contact the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation 1-800-522-8017. Or you can email the show TrueCrimeGarage@gmail.com