Podcast:True Crime Garage Published On: Tue Oct 22 2019 Description: Amy Mihaljevic - Suspects /// Part 1 /// 345 Part 1 of 2 www.TrueCrimeGarage.com This week we revisit a case that we refuse to give up on. Sunday will mark 30 years to the day that 10 year old Amy Mihaljevic was abducted in plain sight. Join us for a discussion regarding some of the suspects you have heard of and some you may have not. Beer of the Week - Scissor Kick by KCBC Garage Grade - 4 and a half bottle caps out of 5 The full archive of True Crime Garage is available on the Stitcher listening app - for FREE. Our show “Off the Record” is only on Stitcher Premium. For a FREE month of listening go to http://stitcherpremium.com/truecrimegarage and use promo code GARAGEBeer Fund: https://truecrimegarage.com/home