Princess Doe ////// 594
Princess Doe ////// 594  
Podcast: True Crime Garage
Published On: Tue Jul 05 2022
Description: Princess Doe ////// 594Part 1 of 1www.TrueCrimeGarage.comOn July 15th, 1982 a grave digger at the Cedar Ridge Cemetery in Blairstown New Jersey made a gruesome discovery. On the very edge of the grounds near highway 94 in a wooded area near a creek he found the body of a young female. She had been bludgeoned to death and left there for an indeterminate amount of time. The good people of local law enforcement and the people of Blairstown named her “Princess Doe.” Unfortunately we are coming up on forty years since she was killed and we still do not know the true identity of Princess Doe. This topic led us to many other topics while exploring the theories surrounding the mystery of Princess Doe. Those topics include but were not limited to - The crimes of Arthur and Donna Kinlaw, The “Tiger Lady” who’s remains were found in 1991 along highway 94, The Long Island Serial Killer and Joel Rifkin. For more info go to PrincessDoe.orgIf you have any information please help by contacting the Warren County Prosecutor’s Office. Call 908-475-6275 or email - Coldcase@co.warren.nj.usBeer of the Week - Hazy Heights IPA Tropical Smooth by Highland Brewing Company Garage Grade - 4 and a half bottle caps out of 5This week’s Recommended Reading - Ruse: Lying the American Dream from Hollywood to Wall Street by Robert KerbeckMake sure you check out - Off The Record or OTR, if you are nasty! Our other show - True Crime Garage “Off the Record” is available only on Stitcher Premium. For a FREE month of listening go to and use promo code GARAGEBe Good, Be Kind & Don’t Litter!