Out-R-Inn Murders ////// 787
Out-R-Inn Murders ////// 787  
Podcast: True Crime Garage
Published On: Tue Sep 17 2024
Description: Out-R-Inn Murders ////// 787 Part 1 of 1 www.TrueCrimeGarage.com Bob Gil was a very successful young business man.  During his college days he purchased a failing bar located on the North Campus of The Ohio State University.  He quickly turned the business around.  Then he grew his business, purchasing an old Steak restaurant and flipping it to an exciting Sports Bar and Grill.  A couple of years later, Bob disappeared.  He was found days later in a field far from the city.  He was killed by a single gunshot wound and for reasons unexplained he was dressed like a ninja.  If you have any information regarding the 1994 murder of Bob Gil contact True Crime Garage or go to www.CentralOhioCrimeStoppers.orgBeer of the Week - Party at Steve Guttenberg’s House by Hoof Hearted Brewing Garage Grade - 5 out 5 bottle caps Join in the discussion on the Garage Army Blog - www.TrueCrimeGarage.com Follow True Crime Garage on Instagram & X - @truecrimegarage