Ep. 61 - Why It’s Impossible to Lose Your Salvation
Ep. 61 - Why It’s Impossible to Lose Your Salvation  
Podcast: The Living Waters Podcast
Published On: Tue May 17 2022
Description: To be saved, to know you’re saved and to know that you can not become unsaved: That’s the question we’re dealing with today. The frantic fear that one may lose their salvation can become destructive in your walk with the Lord. On the flipside, there are people who boast in their salvation while living in flagrant sin. The guys discuss the controversial phrase “Once saved, always saved.” This can serve as comfort for those who are working out their salvation to know that once they are saved and God begins good work in them, he is faithful to carry it out. However, this does not mean that God’s grace allows us to do whatever we want and live an unrighteous life. Salvation is not a one and done thing, but rather the entrance into a transformative and eternal relationship with God.  This is not to say that a Christian can’t struggle or fall into sin. However, a true, regenerate, born again believer who has been sealed by the Holy Christ will always return to God. When you become a Christian, you love righteousness and thirst off of it. You also have the fruit of praise and of thanksgiving, and the praise of God comes naturally from your humble heart. Hebrews 10:26 speaks to the Christian, “For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment.” We are all born compulsive sinners until the day we die, but it’s the person who sins wilfully, joyfully and pridefully who should be concerned for their salvation. There should be no sense of security for anyone living in sin.          For a Christain to lose his salvation, God would have to go back on His word and undeclare what He previously declared. Though we should feel convicted by our sins which we will be corrected for, we will never be condemned for them. Jesus was punished so that we will never be punished.  We must not forget that everything comes back to the Scripture. Furthermore, it is the unity and community of our church we come to know by being an active participant which God intends us to affirm our faith. What a joy it is to have security in Christ! Let us remember that our hope for salvation is in Christ. We have been sealed with the seal of the Holy Spirit of promise who is the guarantee of our inheritance.  Links:Visit the Living Waters website to learn more and to access helpful resources!Send us a textThanks for listening! If you’ve been helped by this podcast, we’d be grateful if you’d consider subscribing, sharing, and leaving us a comment and 5-star rating! Visit the Living Waters website to learn more and to access helpful resources!You can find helpful counseling resources at biblicalcounseling.com.Check out The Evidence Study Bible and the Basic Training Course.You can connect with us at podcast@livingwaters.com. We're thankful for your input!Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.Ray ComfortEmeal (“E.Z.”) ZwayneMark SpenceOscar Navarro