Close Other Tabs with Ani & Alex
Close Other Tabs with Ani & Alex

Close Other Tabs is an ongoing investigation into passing interests. Does your partner have interests? Why? What are interests? Where do interests come from? What are they for? I know they are a threat to me, but how? Have you ever done a 9th-grade-level research project on kei truck crumple zones while standing in line at the bank? or tracked the evolutionary history of moles after seeing your neighbor post about blowing them up on Nextdoor? You may be experiencing interests. Each episode I, Alex, will rifle through my wife Ani's latest browser tabs and choose one of her interests to investigate. Upon investigation, I will demand answers. How deep will this journey take me? How much will it change me? How long can this marriage last? Tune in every other Tuesday, when we Close Other Tabs We are not the jewelry company

This episode I investigate Ani's interest in a propane torch landscaping tool and uncover: How important it is for ecology to let Ani set fires Other helpful things you can do with fire in your yard Is Ani going to burn our house down? Other Spike TV-style gardening tools The best way to do lawn care without thinking about the hundreds of tiny insects you’re killing with your every move If you have a tab you want investigated, whether yours or your partners (please ask permission before going through their tabs) write to us at
Today we investigate Ani's mysterious interest in Mine-Sniffing Rats Are rats gross? Will Ani admit than any animal is gross? What is R+ training? Is it wrong to lord our superior eyesight over these rats? Should American rats volunteer for this job since the US helped mine Cambodia? What does Facebook think the phrase "mine-sniffing rats" implies? The answer may surprise you! Send your interests to  Music: The Walkmen - The Rat
Today we probe Ani's interest in a "Crow Ocarina" Is Ani trying to turn our neighborhood crows into an army? Does she love the crows more than me? What is an ocarina? Why are crows cool? Are crows destroying the nuclear family? Should we do all that we can to serve the crows, knowing their offspring will remember our faces? Email your interests to Music: Low Dose - For Sure
Does your partner have interests? Why? What are interests?  Where do interests come from? What are they for? I know they are a threat to me, but in what way? Have you ever done a 9th grade level research project on kei truck crumple zones while standing in line at the bank” Have you ever tracked the evolutionary history of moles after seeing your neighbor post about blowing them up on Nextdoor? Every week I, Alex, rifle through my wife Ani’s latest browser tabs and select one to investigate. Upon investigation, I will demand answers. How deep will this journey take me? How much will it change me? How long can this marriage last? Tune in every other Tuesday, when we Close Other Tabs