My Marriage Sucks After Having Kids - Deena’s On the Brink of Divorce
My Marriage Sucks After Having Kids - Deena’s On the Brink of Divorce  
Podcast: After Bedtime with Big Little Feelings
Published On: Wed Sep 27 2023
Description: Deena gets vulnerable and shares how having babies rocked her marriage, plus: The raging resentment that's left them feeling like roommates Why 90% of parents feel unhappier in their marriage after having kids (!!!)  What's stopping her from working on the relationship right now (is it too far gone?)  Busting the myth that "staying together for the kids" is always the best option Hot tips for date night (when you have no childcare)  How to avoid the dreaded screen time battles with your toddler  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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