Eric McNeil. This is What It Takes to GROW Your Business. Episode 473 with The Real Brad Lea (TRBL)
Podcast:Dropping Bombs Published On: Mon May 09 2022 Description: Eric teaches clients around the country how to create generational wealth and how to build-scale-sell their ideas and businesses. Eric owns a financial planning firm, private equity real estate fund, and a marketing agency. Eric was featured in Forbes recently highlighting my success of taking a $2k investment and turning it into an 8-figure company. In 2017, Eric’s wife and he had twin girls that were born prematurely and passed away only after a week with them. Their resilience and desire to live truly inspired and changed Eric forever. This has become Eric’s deep rooted “why.” Everyone dies but not everyone lives. And Eric is going to LIVE for them. In this episode, Eric and Brad discuss what it takes to GROW your business and how you can stay the champ of your growth. 00:00 Intro 02:45 The problem with most people 05:30 Morman’s and Jewish People 07:00 Baby moon story 09:30 “Everybody dies but not everybody lives.” - Eric McNeil 13:00 How it became easy 15:00 Lee Steinberg 16:05 “Your free sh*t has to be better than their paid sh*t.” - Eric McNeil 16:40 Join Eric’s free course! 18:00 Discord 23:40 E-Commerce 29:00 The system 34:00 Percentages with others vs. Percentages alone 38:50 Bomb: Marketing 42:20 Being real 45:30 The Book of Mormon’s 48:20 Agreements