Jerome Maldonado. Winners & Losers in Real Estate. Episode 393 with The Real Brad Lea (TRBL)
Jerome Maldonado. Winners & Losers in Real Estate. Episode 393 with The Real Brad Lea (TRBL)  
Podcast: Dropping Bombs
Published On: Mon Aug 02 2021
Description: Jerome Maldonado is a highly successful real estate investor, business owner, coach and speaker. Inspired by his parents’ dedicated work-ethic, Jerome has always had a hunger for success and a willingness to do whatever it took to make his vision for his life a reality. Starting from scratch, he struggled for many years to get his business off the ground, but from this he learned what it really takes to build an empire from the ground up.   In this episode, Jerome and Brad discuss the wins and losses of real estate in the market today and what you can do RIGHT NOW to level up your portfolio.   00:00 Intro 03:40 Other people’s money 5:00 The difference between good debt and bad debt 7:00 Bomb 1: Knowledge and training is the key 10:16 “Marketing is to drive traffic and what you do in the workplace is how you keep them.” - Jerome Maldonado 14:26 A disneyland experience 18:00 The definition of entrepreneur 24:00 Give people final approval 26:15 Call out Charlie Sheen for the podcast! 32:00 The problem with the border 37:00 Jerome’s experience in NC 42:00 Shout-out to Tai Lopez 45:13 The power of getting it in writing (Jerome and Brad’s lawsuit war stories) 48:35 The move right now 51:40 Warren Buffet  52:40 “100,000,000 dollars in the real estate game ain’t shit.” - Jerome Maldonado 56:52 Go to to learn more 58:04 Bombs 2: Get in your car and shake hands and meet people no matter how rich you are 59:50 “A property is only worth what you bring in financially” - Jerome Maldonado 01:02:00 See the entire process with Jerome 01:04:35 Tax laws 01:08:46 “Money and fear is what stops people from doing things.” - Jerome Maldonado 01:11:58 Bomb 3: “Do things the right way.” - Jerome Maldonado