Terry Thayer. How I Became Successful Online . Episode 371 with The Real Brad Lea (TRBL)
Terry Thayer. How I Became Successful Online . Episode 371 with The Real Brad Lea (TRBL)  
Podcast: Dropping Bombs
Published On: Mon May 17 2021
Description: Terry Thayer has been an entrepreneur since a small child selling anything he could. In 1997 he opened his first real business as a contracting business. Of the many businesses he owns producing millions of dollars annually today, he works less than 5 hours a week total. Most of his time is spent coaching his team to be better and coaching other entrepreneurs how to avoid the mistakes he made over the years. Other time is spent working on new ways to make money online including his Ecommerce Automation company.   In this episode, the conversation is based mostly on eCommerce and what it means to build online stores, have a back-up plan for second and third sellers, and how to start your own store today!   00:00 Intro 00:13 Follow Terry Thayer at @terrythayerii 06:00 Dropshipping 08:40 What are people looking for 12:00 Business credit 19:30 Light convo with other person in the studio 27:28 The way to do the online stores 33:00 What other sellers mean 37:33 Power of Bitcoin 39:46 DM Terry and he can start your online store for you 43:00 A little background on Terry 48:21 Bomb 1: Traffic is key 49:30 Why a backup plan is important 51:52 Still with brands you know 57:10 Where does entrepreneur come from 58:45 “If you don’t take a chance, you are going to work for someone who did.” - Brad Lea