ZBT #304: President Trump Is At Sick Call and Kate's MASSIVE Announcement
Podcast:Bold American Pod Rating: Explicit Published On: Tue Oct 06 2020 Description: HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT EPISODE. YUUUUGGGEEEEEE. -RockyBoots.com promo code "ZBT" to get 25% off high quality boots AND military boots that are now MCO P1020.34H compliant. -InVets.org/Zero to make a profile, get a free shirt, AND get help transitioning out of the military. Round 1: The President is at sick call for a while. Does he get a light-duty chit? We’re gonna talk about the ramifications of the Commander in Chief being extremely ill BUT we’re just gonna speculate. If we get anything wrong, please contact Hope Seck. Round 2: Mail order bride? More like mail order brides, obstruction of justice, and wrongfully using your position for influence, no… its not another round about the President, folks, it’s about a former soldier who has been setting up sham marriages as if junior troops needed the help. Round 3: Somebody ended up with a huge dumper in their pants and it was captured on TikTok. A guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier nearly had his “I wish a mother fucker would moment.” Round 4: Over the weekend, I watched a show about Surviving WW2. I was triggered and I’ll tell you why. Round 5: Hold on to your dicks, there’s a shortage of hot pockets on military bases. We’re gonna tell you why and have a Barracks Meal Snake Draft Round 6:. An interview with the fellas from Battlebox and Southern Survival on Netflix!You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/ZeroBlog30