ZBT #335: $400 Million in Gold + Marine Veteran Beau Wise
ZBT #335: $400 Million in Gold + Marine Veteran Beau Wise  
Podcast: Bold American Pod
Rating: Explicit Published On: Tue Feb 02 2021
Description: Round 1 (6:17): Starting the show with a safety brief. Dont drink anti-freeze. I know it smells delicious. Still… dont do it. Round 2 (14:24): Nothing gets my blood pumping like a tale about gold in them there hills. The FBI might be doing something shady with 400 million dollars worth of Civil War Era gold. We’ll tell you about this story which sure as shit should be a movie. Round 3 (23:05): HUGE shoutout to the Chief of Staff of the Army. I FUCKING LOVE stories like this one. Round 4 (28:56): The air force has some new spray-on bandages that will help you heal like you’re Wolverine whatever that means. Round 5 (43:27): I sat down with the only person in the Afghanistan/Iraq wars to be given the title of Sole Survivor. Beau Wise joined the show to talk about his book Three Wise Men!You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/ZeroBlog30