ZBT #282: What Happens When A Navy Ship Catches Fire?
ZBT #282: What Happens When A Navy Ship Catches Fire?  
Podcast: Bold American Pod
Rating: Explicit Published On: Fri Jul 17 2020
Description: Absolutely LOADED Friday episode for you. -Manscaped.com 20% off and free shipping with code "Zero"- -Deathwishcoffee.com 15% off with code "Viva"- ROUND 1: We’ve got the latest on the USS Bonhomme Richard and it’s, ah, not great! Also, we asked sailors what happens to sailors assigned to a ship that is lost & contrary to some of the answers they do not get to hang out in a pineapple under the sea. ROUND 2: As Kate’s peace offering to Captain Cons, she’s got a round of “Fun Army Facts” for everyone and she will also allow him to list two fun facts about the Army/Navy game. But no more than that. ROUND 3: We have updates on the Vanessa Guillen case along with news regarding PV2 Gregory Wedel Morales, whose remains were found during the search for Guillen. He had been listed as a deserter but new evidence shows otherwise. ROUND 4: Mess nights can certainly get messy but across the pond they sound like an absolute shit show. Especially the one where a Sergeant got drunk at a racecourse and headbutted a colleague in the face. ROUND 5: US Military recruiters are using online gaming to recruit teens but one journalist is pulling an echelon right & fighting back in the comments section & claiming it’s a predatory practice. Could someone in Fortnite-land convince you to sign up???You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/ZeroBlog30