ZBT #286: Horrible Living Conditions On Marine Corps Bases
ZBT #286: Horrible Living Conditions On Marine Corps Bases  
Podcast: Bold American Pod
Rating: Explicit Published On: Fri Jul 31 2020
Description: Happy Friday! Got a wonderful off the rails episode for you to carry you gently into the weekend. -RockyBoots.com promo code "ZBT" for 25% off!- ROUND 1: Nothing good seems to come from the land of military TikToks and that’s certainly the case with one that made the illustrious New York Post this week for a MAJOR safety violation ROUND 2: A Marine living off-base at Camp Lejeune was willing to put his career on the line when he saw the conditions his fellow devil-dogs were stuck under in the barracks. Mold, boiling temps, broken facilities. Will his viral Facebook post save the day or get him in deep trouble? ROUND 3: A $1 TRILLION spending package has been proposed in the Senate that’s meant to tackle economic fallout from COVID-19… so uh what’s up with $30 BILLION worth of draft items tucked in there for the military? Round 4: Michel Paridis who wrote a book! WOW ROUND 5: An Ohio HVAC company is offering its services to President Trump after an errant Tweet. They played it pretty… cool if you ask us. ROUND 6: Zero Blog Thirty has been around for 285 episodes. Nearly 4 years. 1,422 days. Something happened this week that has never happened in the history of the show and we are NOT happy about it!You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/ZeroBlog30