ZBT #221: Narwhal Tusks Are The Ultimate Weapon Of Opportunity
ZBT #221: Narwhal Tusks Are The Ultimate Weapon Of Opportunity  
Podcast: Bold American Pod
Rating: Explicit Published On: Tue Dec 03 2019
Description: Round 1: Coming back from a long break is never easy. It's important to remember basic customs and courtesies. If not, you'll be like our pal in the Air Force who got a naughty letter because he told an NCO some harsh words. Hate to see it...Round 2: We hop over to England to praise a group of incredibly brave folks who help used the greatest weapons of opportunity to stop the London Bridge attacker.  Round 3: After checking on the Brits we will head to Finland where four of their sailors were awarded with a challenge coin from the Commander of the Finnish Navy for a TikTok video where they danced like Mickey Mouse characters. Round 4: PEACE TALKS ARE BACK. That's right folks, President Trump announced to troops in Afghanistan during his surprise Thanksgiving trip that the Taliban wants to make peace with us. Certainly this time things will be different.Round 5: The Navy did away with permanent no shave chits last month but could they soon allow sailors to grow beards? The Chief of Naval Personnel Vice Adm Nowell seems to be entertaining the idea.Round 6: You won't believe it, but two Marines got in a fight on Black Friday at a Walmart in Murrieta, California. No MCMAP moves were utilized, which certainly saved both men's lives! You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/ZeroBlog30