ZBT #343: Biden Bombs Syria
ZBT #343: Biden Bombs Syria  
Podcast: Bold American Pod
Rating: Explicit Published On: Tue Mar 02 2021
Description: ROUND 1 (20:43): If there’s anything that gets a 50-something-year old peace time veteran riled the fuck up it’s Military women & fitness standards, so stretch out your keyboard warrior fingers, fellas, it’s back in the spotlight ROUND 2 (33:31): What better way to get you pumped for tax SZN than to tell you how the U.S. wasted Billions with a B on cars & buildings in Afghanistan that have all since been abandoned or destroyed; plus we share our own greatest money pits ROUND 3 (47:38): We had a chance to chat with Rep Adam Kinzinger who is making waves right now in the Republican party but spoiler alert, not in a bad way ROUND 4 (1:18:40): Biden has taken his first military action, and as we suspected it was not to accidentally get lost on Andrew’s Airforce Base looking for Air Force 1. There’s more of an airstrikes-in-Syria vibe to it. ROUND 5 (1:26:42): Younger troops are rejecting the COVID vaccine which leads us to ask… “Wait… what? What the heck? What the… we were allowed to reject stuff???"You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/ZeroBlog30