ZBT #184: This Podcast Is Prohibited On Fort Bragg
ZBT #184: This Podcast Is Prohibited On Fort Bragg  
Podcast: Bold American Pod
Rating: Explicit Published On: Tue Jul 23 2019
Description: Round 1: We went down to Fayetteville and ran into some drama with the Deputy Commanding General. We thought it was going to ruin the show but it turns out, no one gave a fuck about what he said. Round 2: Is emailing the Commandant directly a good idea? We have a Marine who did and he does not recommend it. Round 3: We haven't watched the new Top Gun Trailer, until now. First ever ZBT Live watch on the pod. It'll either be great or a disasterRound 4: Iranian Commandos fast-roped down onto a British Oil Tanker over the weekend. We break down the international incident which caused a stir on a global stage. Round 5:  Does the policy of letting Active Duty military personnel board flights early make civilians hate the military? A new poll says yes. We look into it and it's shocking! You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/ZeroBlog30