Riding Along the Waves
Riding Along the Waves

<p>Finding yourself in the midst of parenting chaos? Are you too looking at your spouse thinking, "what in the actual f*** are we doing?" Do you ever stare at yourself in the mirror and think, "why is this so hard for us and no one else?!" If so, you have found yourself in the right place!&nbsp;<br><br>Come hang out and BS with Annalee and her husband, Ethan, each week for a mostly lighthearted, sometimes deep conversation about the ups and downs of parenting and how they manage to find joy amongst the chaos and yes, still like each other at the end of the day.&nbsp;</p><div><br><br></div>

hi everyone! this week we're recapping our last few weeks and chatting about the one of the worst family trips we've ever been on. Why is great wolf lodge so expensive?? And why do they have to put the build a bear RIGHT when you walk in??? Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Hi friends! This week we go over the latest with the how-to-build-app journey, which books we’ve read lately and how Ethan feels about the smut, and everything and nothing else at the same time. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Hi friends! We are so excited to be here chatting, believe it or not I think Ethan really misses the podcast when we have to delay, how the turn tables!! This week we're chatting about my first ever brand trip with Smarty Pants, how dinner is absolute chaos every day, and how we feel about kids eating dessert (riveting stuff, I know!). Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Hi gang! This week we chat about the usual ups and downs of parenthood, as well as how Annalee is just about over the thought of having to meal plan and cook for the rest of time. Why is cooking one of the hardest parts of being a mom?! Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Hi friends! We’re so happy to be back and chatting with you again. This week we talk about Annalee’s history with drinking and breaking bones, why there’s a giant tent in our kids room and, like most parents, get in an argument over storage in the garage. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Hello! Welcome back to another episode where we just chit chat about wherever the wind blows us. This week we're talking about our latest trip to Southern California, our huge fight trying to find the rental car, and how much we loved Disney. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Hi friends! This week we're getting ready to head out of town and chatting about all the planning that go into traveling with kids, how we're hanging on during holiday chaos, and more. We also test Ethan on his girly knowledge, does he know what a mucus plug is, or does he know what a spoolie is?! Listen and find out! Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Hi friends, happy new year!!! This week we’re mostly chatting about the things that lead up to Ethan’s breakdown this week (it was a doozy). We also chat about the holidays, manhole sizing, and per usual more random topics. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Hi everyone!! Thanks for being patient with us over the last few weeks, hopefully we're back for a good haul. This week we're chatting about heading into the holidays, a little behind the scenes into our Along the Waves launches, and just catch up in general. Wishing all of you happy holidays!!! Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Hi friends! Well well well, we’re back again. Recording a podcast is hard when you lose your voice, so thank you for being patient! This week we chat about how Annalee made a kid cry at the playground, Halloween updates, and just a general catch up as well since we were off last week. We appreciate you hanging out with us!!!Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Hello! First of all, we are SO sorry for the delay. Technical difficulties and I wish I had someone to blame, but it’s all my fault. This week we chat about birthday parties and the expectations around them, what having “lots” of followers feels like, our debate on having a third baby (spoiler alert: annalee wants a baby) and a hundred other random things. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Hello again! This week once we again we chat about everything going on and whether or not we feel like we’re handling everything with grace. We cover Ethan’s birthday (again I know but something had to be said), why the garage is the biggest point of contention for us, and Annalee’s apocalypse go bag. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Well, we tried to record this a few days ago and ended up fighting instead. Does that sum up marriage or what?! We’re back with take 2 and excited to catch up! We talk about along the waves, guilt for trying to have some kid-free time, and what friendships look like after babies. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Welcome back! This was one of those weeks where we sat down, looked at each other and thought wait, what even happened in the last week?! Our memories might not be fresh but believe it or not we still found things to talk about 😉. We also go over the remaining questions to ask your spouse to check in and see how things are going (spoiler alert: lukewarm over here). Have a wonderful week! Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
This week we chat about our weekend excursion to Colorado Springs and how we both almost fell off the side of a mountain (not really). We also touch on how we feel like we have two different styles of parenting right now and need to come together moving forward, how marriage has changed after kids, and a million other random little things. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
This week we chat about how hard it is to lose yourself in parenthood and why finding a hobby can feel so impossible. Do we have any solutions? No, but it might help just hearing that you aren't the only one who feels a little lost. We also talk about trying to find time for each other each week (spoiler alert, we're failing), sleep, and everything else in between. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Hi friends! This week we catch up and share why we yelled at each other in the car for 30 minutes (no, we are not proud), chat about the online homeschool vs public school debate, and per usual just chat about random things in life as if we were all hanging out as friends. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
This week we revisit some crazy stories from engineering (aka what my senior manager said to me when I told him I was pregnant), talk about our foiled weekend date night plans, and per usual jump around with random updates and chats about the chaos that is life right now. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Hi!! We are back from vacation and for ONCE in our careers as parents we can actually say it was successful. There were still lots of breakdowns but overall this was the first trip where we actually enjoyed ourselves! We also talk about our daughters pet crab claw (that attacked Annalee while sleeping), and why we are LOWERING our expectations in all aspects of life. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Just Annalee this week! I talk about my time as watermelon disco girl filming the Jukebox music video this week, how to slow down the mom rage when you feel it coming, and just general fun catch up on life! Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
We are BACK and we missed you! Last week Ethan and Annalee traveled to Jellystone Park for a chaotic weekend (that place is a lawless land), where kiddos got sick and Annalee struggled with preferred parent resentment. We also go over how we manage our expectations of each other as a team, how to navigate feeling resentment, and most importantly, how Ethan does not really know any of the Disney Channel Original Movies. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Do dads get intrusive thoughts like moms do? Does Ethan ever have nightmares about the Titanic or the Grand Canyon like Annalee does?! Have we finally unlocked a new stage of parenting where things are getting slightly easier? What helps Ethan communicate and share his emotions?! All this and a million other random things this week on Riding Along the Waves!  Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
It's been two weeks since Annalee and Ethan sat down together and we are EXCITED to chat and catch up! This week we go over our last trip to California, including airplane horror stories with baby, why Annalee got in a fight at her grandparents funeral this weekend, and other anecdotes about traveling with small children. We also dive into working out of the home after having babies and how freaking hard it is. I would like to say we offered advice but seeing as we're still struggling with balancing work, it's probably mediocre at best. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Well I'm only 3 weeks late, but here's our home birth story! While our first was born in the hospital, our second was born at home during a record breaking blizzard.  Annalee chats about her home birth experience, why she choose it after her first was born in the hospital, what she did to prepare, how she coped with the pain, and more! Back next week with regular BSing episodes . Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Helllooooo! Is it just us or does summer already feel like it's flying by? Didn't we all agree we weren't going to have a busy summer?! What's happening?! This week we chat about a 75 year love story, why we yelled at each other last night (spoiler alert: its DUMB), dealing with family and setting boundaries, and why Annalee feels like she is a mediocre queen. We also revisit those baby scheduled we lived and breathed by and how they might have contributed to some PPA. Whoops! Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Another week in the books! This week we chat about why Annalee went full rage mode in the car (it's embarrassing), the guilt around going away for a night, and why having more kids scares the absolute sh!t out of both of us (and no, we're not pregnant). Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Well...we survived a week with minimal childcare and full time work schedules. Once again, TERRIBLE planning on our part but we learned some good lessons and had some fun with the kiddos in between the chaos. This week we talk about balancing work and parenting, how Annalee almost got kicked out of the community pool, and why we just need to lower our expectations as parents. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Not trying to be obnoxious clickbait, but Annalee thinks she's pregnant and it's stressing her tf out and Ethan is pretty sure she's not, but who knows?!?! What a fun waiting game! We also chat about our week, why Annalee yelled at Ethan last night, and how we've finally made it to a summer with no naps or diapers. Just in time to question whether or not we really want another baby, obviously! Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Hello hello hello! Anyone else excited for summer? This week we catch up per usual and share the time Ethan got into a fight with someone at our local rec center. We also chat about Casa Bonita (yes, we got IN!), what made our kids yell at us this week, and why default parenting can affect intimacy. Come hang out! Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
It’s been a busy few days! This week we chat about all the usual stuff, plus why it’s so easy to resent your partner when you’re the default parent, the reason Annalee was almost on Dr Phil, and so much more. Home birth story coming this week too. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Well it's only been a week since we last recorded but it feels like it's been months! This week we chat about how our week has been which (no shocker her) includes lots of emotional whiplash and questioning why it feels like it's  so "easy" for everyone else but us. Annalee chats about her busy weekend (a creator meetup AND Jesse McCartney?!) and Ethan shares how he handles his cleaning OCD with messy kids. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Why are the kids so much better and easier when mom is gone? Why do Magnetiles end in tears every single time?! Why don't toddlers just want to SLEEP?! Catch up with us this week as we ponder these questions and a million other random things. Home birth story coming soon... we forgot (shocker). Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
It's been over a week since we last caught up and thankfully, there's not too much to complain about (well, kind of)! We spend this week's episode talking about a reoccurring argument we've had all week (hello house projects and finances) and also jump into our first birth story (next week will be the home birth!). Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
This week we go full circle: rehashing a fight we had earlier this week (Ethan may or may not be a bonafide gaslighter), reliving our early dating days when Annalee tried (and failed) to make Ethan jealous, and the never ending feeling of mom guilt (vs dad guilt). Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
This week we are back on that struggle bus, so please don't judge. Ethan is recovering (kind of) from being sick and all weekend and Annalee almost had a breakdown on the Par 3, BUT (knock on wood) our 3 year old actually *YOU*KNOW*WHAT* through the night!!!! Don't make us say it out loud. Number one rule of fight club... you don't talk about fight club. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
This week we dive into a past weekend vacation from hell, the reason Annalee once started sobbing in a Bed Bath and Beyond, and yes, why Ethan said vacuuming is kind of like being intimate. Someone help us. And no, we still aren't sleeping. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
You know those fights you have at 2AM when the baby isn't sleeping? Well... they don't count. At least that's what we're telling ourselves. This week Annalee and Ethan talk about sleep (no surprise to anyone), Annalee's (thousands of dollars) mistake she made recently for Along the Waves, a fun engineering conspiracy at DIA and why Ethan needs a cup of decaf at 1AM. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Well, so much for redemptive! This week Annalee and Ethan discuss how terrible our weekend was, truly. There were pockets of joy but overall most of the weekend was spent  flipping each other off and then apologizing afterwards, like true soul mates do. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Welcome back to Riding Along the Waves, where Annalee and Ethan chat about the ups and downs of parenting, relationships, life, and everything in between, all while still managing to like each other at the end of the day.  This week Annalee and Ethan discuss how they actually, believe it or not, attempted an outing with the kids that resulted in ZERO meltdowns (except a little one from Ethan), Annalee's birthday celebrations, and a quick chat about why you shouldn't eat peanut butter in labor. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com
Hi! Welcome to Riding Along the Waves, where Annalee and Ethan chat about the ups and downs of parenting, relationships, life, and everything in between. We had big plans to make this an intro/background episode but both our brains were a little too fried from lack of sleep (our two year old loves to party at 1am). Instead, we chat about how the last week has been, Ethan's addiction to vacuums, our family vacation, and an 8 HOUR plane ride with two small kids. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave a review ❤️ You can find us on the following platforms: Instagram.com/Annalee15 Tiktok.com/@annaleegrace15 Instagram.com/alongthewavesco Ethan does not have social media... I KNOW!! http://www.alongthewaves.com