Parker Solar Probe Will Make Closest-Ever Approach To Sun
Parker Solar Probe Will Make Closest-Ever Approach To Sun  
Podcast: Science Friday
Published On: Tue Dec 24 2024
Description: On December 24, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe will make the closest-ever approach to the sun by a spacecraft. Parker has made more than 20 close approaches to the sun before, but this one will swoop in even closer than 3.8 million miles away from the sun’s surface.Since the probe was launched back in 2018, it’s helped scientists better understand our star and unravel mysteries about solar wind, high-energy solar particles, the sun’s corona and more. Scientists hope that this upcoming approach will reveal even more about the star at the center of our solar system.Ira Flatow talks with Dr. Nour Rawafi, project scientist for NASA’s Parker Solar Probe mission and astrophysicist at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Maryland. They discuss the goal of this close approach, how the spacecraft will stand the heat, and what else there is to learn about our sun.Transcripts for each segment will be available after the show airs on Subscribe to this podcast. Plus, to stay updated on all things science, sign up for Science Friday's newsletters.