Is God Angry? (DMM-MAY16)
Is God Angry? (DMM-MAY16)  
Podcast: Conversations at the Ranch with Dudley Hall
Published On: Sun May 01 2016
Description: 2 Corinthians 5:19-21 - With all the anger being exposed in recent months toward what is happening in the world as well as in our own country, many so-called spokesmen for God are declaring that his anger has been stoked to an all-time high. According to them, God has had just about enough of our shenanigans. God’s wrath is bubbling hot in the cauldron of justice and will soon be poured out in prophesied fashion. There are so many holes in that thinking that we can’t deal with now, but it does bring into question the nature of God’s wrath. Is God angry? The bigger question is: What is God really like?