Koko The Gorilla
Koko The Gorilla  
Podcast: You're Wrong About
Published On: Mon Jul 06 2020
Description: “It’s interesting that we became enthusiastic about ASL in the process of teaching it to a population that couldn’t benefit from it.”Mike tells Sarah about a very special ape and the very problematic humans around her. Digressions include video dating, "Biography" and the terrible terrible inventor of the telephone. We start with a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT about the future of the show. Both co-hosts understand the difference between chimps, monkeys and apes but occasionally misspeak.For a transcript of this episode (Thanks Andrea!), click here or copy-paste:https://rottenindenmark.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/YWA-Koko-the-Gorilla-Transcript.pdf Support us:Subscribe on PatreonDonate on PaypalBuy cute merchWhere else to find us: Sarah's other show, Why Are Dads Mike's other show, Maintenance PhaseLinks!Marcus Perlman, the researcher Mike interviewed!"Human and Animal Cognition: Continuity and Discontinuity""In Memorium: Koko, A Remarkable Gorilla""What Do Talking Apes Really Tell Us?" “Monkey Business”“Talk to the Animals,” the 1980 Omni article“Animal Bodies, Human Minds: Ape, Dolphin, and Parrot Language Skills”1979 New York Magazine article on Herb Terrace“The Last Distinction?”“The Sad Twilight of Koko The Gorilla and Her 'Mother'”“Why Koko Can’t Talk”“The Other Side of Silence: Sign Language and the Deaf Community in America”“The Education of Koko”Support the show