Are you faced with something that is simply too far gone? Something that has no hope left for the future. Something so broken there’s no chance of repair. Impossible. May I remind you of Luke 1:37, “Nothing will be impossible with God.” No thing … no, not even your thing. With God, it IS POSSIBLE. […]
Have you ever questioned how exactly you’re supposed to hear from God? If he is your guide, then how do you receive his guidance? Maybe you’ve heard people say things like, “The Lord told me this…” or “God asked me to do that …”, and you’re like, “REALLY … how does he do that?!!!” If […]
You don’t need luck, not when you have God. You don’t have to be in the right place at the right time. Nobody else needs to know your name when God knows your name. Everyone else can totally count you out, but when God has singled you out nothing can keep you hidden from his […]
Do you know why you sometimes get overwhelmed? You’re focusing on things you can’t do a darn thing about right now. You’re allowing those things to come pouring into your mind and sink your spirit. Honey, the boat is taking on water and life is getting turned upside down. But how do you stop the […]
One day you will tell your story of how you overcame the exact thing you’re going through right now. The day will come when you look back on this season of your life and say “With God, I made it through that.” You will survive. You will overcome. You will make it through this. And […]
In scripture we see a pattern for God’s people. They face trouble, they seek God, then with time they go astray and return to their old ways. In their old ways, they seek things other than God. This continues until their replacement for God doesn’t save them, then they’re back on their knees crying out […]
What victories do you have in your life? What battles have already been won? Now of course I know you’re still in some battles, but recognize the victories you currently stand in. Ways that were made. Breakthroughs that happened. Changes you were about to give up on, then it all changed. Impossibilities that were made […]
Deuteronomy 20:4 – “For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.” Whatever it is you are battling, may I remind you God is right there battling with you, fighting for you. You question if you will ever win, all while […]
God has something for you, something divinely designed as your calling, your place, your territory … but you will still have to fight for it. Have you forgotten your fight? Have you decided this is far enough so you’ve stopped moving forward? Have you settled for where you are and therefore sacrificed the fullness of […]
What would it look like to let God’s Holy Spirit truly guide your life? Where would you go? What would you do? And dang, what would he have you give up? That’s scary, isn’t it? Total release of control and full commitment to following a guide you can’t even see? I think that’s why we […]
You have tremendous power in your life. Power is simply defined as the ABILITY to DO SOMETHING. You have the ability to do something. The ability to change, the ability to begin, the ability to keep going. I believe within you is the power to do things that would simply blow your mind. A work […]
Some things are a straight up mystery. It’s a mystery how this is all going to work out for you. It’s a mystery when it will happen. You may think you know, but my sister, it’s all a mystery. You’ve been trying to understand things you were never meant to understand. And really, you’ve been […]
God has a plan for your life, and we are told it is a good plan. Knowing God specifically created me for a plan that is radically good leaves me feeling both incredibly hopeful, and slightly panicked. What if I missed his plan? What if I screwed it up? What if I was supposed to […]
Living with yourself is sometimes frustrating. You kinda screw this thing up a lot, don’t you? It’s as if the “do good” button in you is broken and you can’t get it fixed. You do good, until you aren’t doing good anymore … then you’re back on the struggle bus where you seem to have […]
Your problem is big. God is bigger. Your faults are great. God is greater. It seems impossible. God does the impossible. Have you forgotten the power which resides within you? You are HIS creation. His spirit lives within you. Through him you ARE capable and you will be MORE THAN a CONQUEROR. What problem are […]
If you knew without a doubt everything you needed to live out your wildest dreams was on it’s way, would you wake up a little different this morning? You bet you would! If you knew every detail was taken care of and you were getting ready to step into your destiny, there’s nothing that could […]
There’s one animal you and I are most like. We are like sheep. There’s one thing we most need. We need a shepherd. If you study sheep, you see how helpless they often are. How they wander off and find themselves in danger. Yip, that’s us. We lose our way and we end up in […]
How comfortable is your life? Were you created for a comfortable life? Were you ever intended to seek such comfort? In today’s world we have an opportunity to be entirely too comfortable EVERY WHERE. Movie theaters now have reclining chairs and waiters, because my goodness, it just wasn’t comfortable enough to sit in the regular […]
Can you be trusted with FAVOR? Favor for things to go your way. Favor for the breakthrough you’ve been seeking. Favor for next level living. Favor to be chosen? I think of favor as God taking a personal liking to you. He chooses you, picks you out of the crowd and says “You, I like […]
You’re thinking from a human perspective, but God is working on something bigger than you can see here. Do you hear me? There’s more to this than you can see. You’re putting limitations on this situation, while God in his unlimited power is at work in something bigger than you can fathom. You’re ready to […]
Sometimes life presents struggles and hardships that seem unfair, and certainly unwanted. Perhaps today as you listen, you’re in the middle of one of life’s struggles or you’re witnessing someone you love struggle, and more than anything you just want to find a way out. You want to break free. You want life to return […]
Do you remember being in middle school gym class and waiting to be chosen for a team? The coach would select 2 team captains, then those captains would take turns one by one building their own teams. Now I’m not sure who came up with this system, but I’m here as a fully grown 49 […]
Within you at this very moment is some serious potential. Potential to not only change your life, but change the lives of others. Talents, gifts and strengths given to you by your Creator on purpose, for a purpose. Sadly we can live our entire lives without ever tapping into that potential and miss what it […]
There’s a difference between a wish and a plan. A wish is a thought without action. A plan puts that wish into motion with a path to make it possible. God has more than just good wishes for you. He has good PLANS for you. This means he doesn’t just wish goodness for you, he […]
Join me for a time of Bible study together today.We will be reading:Luke 22: 3-6Luke 22: 31-32Hebrews 7:25John 16:33 Follow Pamela on Instagram – Facebook – out more about BIG Life –
This week in BIG Life Mentoring, I’ve been teaching my girls about the gap. It’s the gap between the life you’re living and the life God designed you to live. Our goal is to lessen the gap. Many years ago, God gave me a vision of my future standing before him when the journey of […]
We are inherently afraid of not knowing what comes next. That fear drives us to a desire to make our lives predictable. We want to know what’s coming and what to expect. We want a sense of control. However, you were NOT created for a predictable life. Your design is not for settling into pattern […]
There are voices that tell you not to show up. Voices that tell you that you can’t do this. Voices that tell you, you will never be good enough. Voices that tell you this is too overwhelming and too hard. But my sister, check the source of those voices. Where is this coming from? If […]
You have a need in your life right now. There’s something you can’t fix, something you can’t overcome, something can’t change. But it hasn’t been changing, has it? You’ve been waiting, but all that waiting has things left the same, and in some ways even worse. What do you do with that? Really, what do […]
In this special unscripted devotional, we learn to imagine each moment as if it were a beautiful invitation to return to this one ordinary day and make it extraordinary. See every person through the perspective of a label that says, “Only here for a little while.” Psalm 90:12 “Teach us to number our days and […]
Where you are is not where you will always be … at least not in God’s plan. God’s design for your life is to be ever changing and evolving, moving toward greater purposes on a trajectory you could never design alone. You were not created to arrive to this place and just stay here. In […]
Thoughts of change without action become your torment. My husband says it like this, “Girl, you don’t have a knowing problem, you have a doing problem.” You typically know better, you simply don’t do better. You know what to do, or atleast you know the first simple step in getting started, but the problem is […]
Special New Year’s Eve podcast with my husband, coach Lonnie on his 51st birthday.(This was Lonnie’s basic outline for the podcast – but he doesn’t really follow a script) The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Prov 9:10-12 Wisdom begins here because it comes from a place of healthy respect for God […]
What have you been complaining about this year? Really … what situation, what person, what problem has you complaining? Complaining means you are making it very clear what you’re not happy about. You give energy and words to the things you don’t like. Your complaining spirit ultimately reveals a lack of trust in God. Really, […]
Looong Suffering In Relationships Today’s open Bible Study together will be on LOOOONG SUFFERING IN RELATIONSHIPS.(Who needs this one?!!!)Grab your Bible! We’ll be reading the following scriptures:Luke 17: 1-61 John 2:10Ephesians 4: 2-3Galatians 5: 22-23Lord, we bring our tiny seed of faith and we seek your power in ripping out roots of bitterness and unforgiveness.Show […]
It’s the day after Christmas. What do you talk about on the day after celebrating Jesus’ birthday? I asked God that exact question this morning and his answer was so clear … talk about what happened next. And it was literally a light bulb moment because what happened after Jesus’ birth is most certainly applicable […]
God could have come to this earth guns a blazin’ with his angel armies. He could have magically appeared in his full force and power as a super giant. The truth is, God could have come in absolutely any way he wanted. And what he chose was to come as a baby. A human in […]
Luke 2: 6-20:And while they were there, the time came for her baby to be born. She gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no lodging available for them. That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby, […]
It’s Christmas Bible Study time, my friends!!!Grab your Bible, as we study these scriptures today:Luke 1: 1-38Isaiah 7: 14Matthew 1: 20-21Ezekiel 36: 26-27 Follow Pamela on Instagram – Facebook – out more about BIG Life –
Today is just one day, what could possibly happen in one day? What difference could one day make? This isn’t Christmas Day, this isn’t New Years Day, today seems to be just an ordinary Thursday in a busy week where we’re all preparing for Christmas. One day that seems insignificant and ordinary, but what is […]
It’s exactly one week until Christmas. Whew, how are you doing? Give yourself a point for each one that describes you today: You still have to wrap gifts. You still have to plan a big meal. You still have to buy a crap-ton of groceries. You still have to clean your messy house before company […]
One of my absolute favorite stories in the Bible proves the transformational power of Jesus. It shows there’s absolutely no one too far gone to be saved and redeemed. There’s no wrong Jesus can’t make right. There’s no life he can’t use for his good purposes. AND … you don’t even have to get yourself […]
This past Friday, something incredibly simple and yet wildly dangerous happened to me. For two days, I’ve been licking my wounds and reliving it all in slow motion … but this morning, God gave me the revelation to share with you. The lesson: Be careful, you may fall here. And if you fall here, where […]
In this special Friday Bible study time together, we are hitting 2 topics in 1 devotional! STOP MAKING THIS ABOUT YOU The more you lead a self-focused life, the more you’re prone to discouragement. Every time you forget that it’s not about you, you’re going to get prideful or fearful or bitter. Those feelings will […]
If you’ve already prayed about it, what do you do next? Really, what do you do when you’ve talked to God about this? Jesus is very clear. After he teaches his disciples how to pray, he tells them in Luke 11: 9-10, “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on […]
There’s something you wish you were better at. There’s something you’re trying to do, but you’re struggling. What is it specifically for you? Are you trying to grow a business, but you’re struggling? Are you trying to date, but you’re struggling? Are you trying to fix your marriage, but you’re struggling? Are you trying to […]
Whatever impossible you are facing, God could overcome it all in an instant, but he often doesn’t. Why is that? Why doesn’t he call down the angel armies to fix this? Why doesn’t he display his extraordinary power and intervene in a way that not a single soul could deny him? If I were God, […]
We make a massive mistake when we try to clean up our lives, but fail to fill our lives with Jesus. If all you ever do is remove the bad from your life and never refill it with the good, your empty spaces will eventually be refilled with even worse. Every single space of your […]
The fullness of life God has aligned for you cannot be received when you’re holding on to something else. If you’re clinging to your plans, God’s plans have no open hand to land in. If you’re focused on your idea of happiness, you miss the opportunities for true, deep, lasting happiness God has designed for […]
How does it make you feel to see someone else get what you have been praying for? The very thing you’ve been wanting, even needing, dreaming of for years, and it goes to someone else. But what about you? Has God overlooked you? Why are you left still waiting and wanting? Will it ever be […]
When you’re facing a troubling situation, what do you do? Jesus is asking you to STOP YIELDING TO YOUR FEAR and instead TRUST HIM. Is God aware of what you’re going through? Absolutely. He knows every detail of your life. How do I know? His word tells me! Psalm 139: 1-5, “O Lord, you have […]
Your enemy, the devil, knows two things better than you … he knows God’s power and your potential. He has no doubt about who God is and what God can do. He is also fully aware of what God can do with a life like yours when it is fully surrendered and lived in wild […]
Wherever there is disorder in your life, God wants to bring it back into order. Where there is chaos, God wants to bring his peace. And what God wants, God can do! The question is, are you going to partner with God in the process, or are you going to fight it? The truth is, […]
Sometimes I just want to know why things are happening. I want to know why it feels like I’m under attack. I want to know the purpose of the problem, the source of the struggle, the meaning of the madness. Maybe you’ve been asking why. Maybe you’ve been trying to understand what is happening right […]
Every morning when we wake up, we get to choose our attitude. Any attitude we wish is available for the taking. We can put it on and wear it the entire day, and just like the right pair of shoes can change the outfit, the right attitude can change your experience. Most days we wake […]
There are just some people you know are going to succeed. People you can trust to show up, do it, and do it right, without fail. People who can have all the odds stacked against them, and somehow come out of it ahead. These are the people you would bet on. Now the question is, […]
God is calling you forward. He’s calling you boldly onward to your destiny. A pursuit of partnership with your Creator for your purpose is ahead, will you go forward? They say fortune favors the bold, therefore those who sit and stew, those who get stuck in their own head, those who delay and defer are […]
Job 37: 14: says “Listen to this, Job; stop and consider God’s wonders.” I always find it most powerful to personalize a scripture by inserting your own name. For me it’s “listen to this, Pamela; stop and consider God’s wonders.” Now it’s your turn – “listen to this, (insert your name); stop and consider God’s […]
We’ve been hanging out in Luke 6 this week, listening to the teaching of Jesus to his newly selected disciples and large crowd that had gathered seeking his healing touch. He first tells them how to follow the pattern of his love. Yes, we’ve learned to not be hateful, do good, talk good, pray, forgive, […]
Today, we continue our journey through the teaching of Jesus in Luke 6. Remember, there’s a massive crowd gathered seeking healing, and Jesus uses this opportunity to share important lessons with his newly selected disciples and potential followers. And what he chooses to tell them about is the pattern of his love and how we […]
This week, we will look at the first lessons Jesus taught his disciples after they had chosen to follow him. You and I have chosen to follow Jesus, right? Well, he has a few lessons for us! Now, picture the setting. Jesus had gone up on top of a mountain and prayed all night. At […]
Open your Bible to Luke 5: 1-11 and let’s discover the 4 lessons ofworking with Jesus. Follow Pamela on Instagram – Facebook – out more about BIG Life –
You were created on purpose for a purpose. Your life isn’t accidental, nor is it without meaning or destiny. God wanted you right here, right now as part of his divine will to fulfill a specific role. The journey of your life isn’t to perfectly figure out or fully understand your purpose, but rather to […]
One day, Jesus was speaking to a group of people in his hometown of Nazareth. These people knew of his miracles, but they couldn’t believe who he really was. Afterall, they knew him. They knew his parents. They had seen him grow up. And now, he’s come back to his hometown and he’s told them […]
How many of us know by personal experience that having the right partner makes a huge difference. The right business partner makes things work. The wrong business partner makes a massive mess. The right workout partner makes you show up. The wrong workout partner never shows up and makes it even harder for you to […]
What amazing things would you do if you couldn’t fail? Oh, think about that for a second. If failure were off the table, wouldn’t you go for it? Wouldn’t you do it? And wouldn’t you do it now? But, here’s the problem … failure is always on the table. And it’s probably on your table. […]
Today’s episode of the BIG Life Devotional Podcast is an unscripted Bible study time together digging deeper on the true meaning of giving God credit. Psalm 30John 14:1Jeremiah 31:13 Follow Pamela on Instagram – Facebook – out more about BIG Life –
Together, we have been learning so much about the twisted suggestions of the devil and the way out of those temptations Jesus has made for us. The past 3 episodes have taken us deeper into Luke 4 telling of Jesus’ time in the wilderness, facing these temptations and battling the enemy of your soul. It’s […]
This week we’re studying the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness. The devil has swooped in when Jesus was weakest from not eating for 40 days, and he’s making his twisted offers. While the devil is convinced he is going to defeat Jesus with these temptations, Jesus knows he is here to defeat these temptations […]
This week we’re studying the personal story Jesus retells of his 40 days in the wilderness where he was tempted by the devil. He didn’t accidentally wander his way into the wilderness, he wasn’t running away – no, he was led by the Holy Spirit to the wilderness for this encounter. An encounter that would […]
Within your Bible is the most interesting story personally told by Jesus in a total of 13 verses. Now, unlike other stories told by Jesus, this isn’t a parable. This isn’t a made up story to illustrate a point. No, when Jesus uses a parable, he always clearly states it is a just a story. […]
What is it in the future that has you afraid? You’re afraid of what may happen … or you’re afraid it may never happen. Did you know God’s most often repeated instruction to us is “do not fear”. Wow. He knew we would struggle with this. So again and again, he reminds us, don’t be […]
There’s an 8 year old video that recently went viral with millions of views online. A little boy named Jordan stands with his pastor at the front of the church to get baptized. The pastor is doing his baptism speech, and you can see little Jordan growing with anticipation of his big moment. And just […]
To the one who feels left out, to the one who feels not good enough, to the one who feels their failure must have outweighed God’s grace by now, you have to know Jesus is specifically looking for you! While studying the details of Jesus’ resurrection, I noticed the sweetest reassurance tucked away in a […]
When you are dealing with situations, you have 2 categories in your mind: This is good, or this is bad. Everything you encounter is subconsciously placed in one of those two categories. Either this is good, I like it, this feels good, I’m happy about it … or …. this is bad, I don’t like […]
When my kids were little, they could count on receiving a handmade card and a little money in the mail every holiday. Their Great-Grandma was world class in investing into their lives even with a long distance relationship. It’s now part of her legacy that has outlived her. One particular holiday, instead of the typical […]
Have you been asking God to bless something you’re not willing to even begin? Have you been waiting for him to confirm something you were never told to do? Have you been expecting him to increase the very thing you haven’t been faithful with? God isn’t here to do magic. He’s here to continue the […]
Are you continually needing a sign from God to keep your faith? Do you quickly start to doubt when there doesn’t seem to be anything mystical and magical happening for you? Jesus’ disciples were that way. They would have a front row seat to a divine miracle, then walk into the next problem forgetting what […]
When Jesus says your prayers can move mountains, does he mean anymountain? When he says your lack of faith causes your prayers to beineffective, is that why some of your prayers have gone unanswered? Let’s dig deeper into Mark 11:22-25 and really consider the context ofwhat Jesus is saying so we don’t treat God like […]
How successful have you been at making things happen in your life? You worked hard, you sacrificed, and you built something. Something to be proud of. You started with so little and with all your hard work, it grew to become so much more. That’s a great thing. I’m so happy for your success. You’ve […]
Have you ever wanted to help, but didn’t know how to help. You didn’t know what to say. You didn’t know what to do. Everything you had to offer seemed so totally inadequate. I bet there’s someone you really wish you could help right now. Someone is hurting, but you don’t know how to heal […]
I assure you, God wastes nothing. While he may not have personally designed all of your delays and detours, he can certainly work in them. While the hardships you face don’t always come from Heaven’s plans, they have passed through Heaven and have been deemed of value on your journey. Have you ever had plans, […]
This morning, you and I woke up to an abundance of miracles. All that is good and right and working far outweighs that which is not good, not right and not working. However, it’s quite natural for us to focus on that one achy part of our body that doesn’t feel good while there are […]
Yesterday we began the conversation of being faithful in little things so that we can be trusted with more. God is looking for faithful girls. Faithful girls who will be consistent with their commitment. Faithful girls who will show up every day and do what they said they would do. Have you accepted the challenge […]
You’ve heard of 75 Hard, right? A 75 day commitment to do a series of hard things daily. Traditionally, that list of hard things includes 2 workouts daily (one outside), eating a healthy meal plan, drinking a gallon of water, reading 10 pages, and taking a daily progress photo. Every day for 75 days. No […]
How do you receive a gift? What is your response to a wrapped box before you even know what’s inside? Today is my birthday and I am one proud woman to be 49. I’m not ashamed or embarrassed by that number. I’m ALIVE! Do you have any idea what God had to bring me through […]
God offers his grace as a gift, but what is that gift to you? Let’s open our Bibles today for an unscripted study together to dig deeper into the gift of grace so we know how to use all God has given us. 2 Timothy 2:12 Corinthians 12:9Mark 9:23 Follow Pamela on Instagram – Facebook […]
Mark 2: 1-12, “When Jesus returned to Capernaum several days later, the news spread quickly that he was back home. Soon the house where he was staying was so packed with visitors that there was no more room, even outside the door. While he was preaching God’s word to them, four men arrived carrying a […]
Fear has whispered a story to you that maybe you have believed. When you believe things never work out for you, when you believe this too will all fall apart, when you believe you will never be good enough, you have no other option but to operate from that belief. You present yourself to the […]
Right now, today, in this exact stage and season of your life, God is preparing you for what is next. He is using all that is to make what currently is not. That which currently is not working, that which currently is not good, that which currently is not okay, is being used by the […]
Let me clue you in to my process of hearing from God each morning to bring you a new devotional. First, I work on a very tight timeline. I have one hour from the time I sit down to write until I go live. I find this restricted amount of time gets my squirrel chasing […]
There are two steadfast, unchanging, forever true statements that apply to every single day of your life. If you get these truths down deep in your soul and operate from them, you will struggle less and find joy more. Ready? God is always good. The devil is always a liar. Always. Without fail. God’s goodness […]
God wants to use you. Oh yes, he does … he has found a way to use you for his good works and, girl, he’s been trying to get you to see what he’s doing here. What he’s doing is taking the very thing you struggled with in your past to be used for good […]
Have you ever wondered why God, in all his power and majesty, made the world the way he did? Why would he create the Earth to be a round ball, then why would he make it spin? Why would he position the sun to create light and darkness, day and night? God designed our world […]
Have you ever rushed into something before you prayed about it? Yeah, me too. Have you ever worked yourself silly trying to do something and never took the time to pray about it? Me too! Have you ever not prayed about it because you’re sure God’s already doing his thing and it’s taken care of […]
We’re all looking for that ticket to happiness. What is it we are missing and how can we get it so we are always happy? Our Creator designed us to find the sweet secret of happiness within only in HIM. Scripture refers to this inner happiness as contentment. The Hebrew word was autarkeia and it […]
I’ve always dreamed of hosting a Poppy and Franny Camp for our future grandkids. (My husband is Poppy and I am Franny and yes, we have arrived to the greatest destination in life … grandparents!!!). Poppy and Franny Camp is a special time at our house where we play and intentionally make all the memories. […]
Have you ever had one of those days where you worried about all there was to worry about? One of those days where you thought about all that was wrong and could go wrong? One of those days where you dwelt on the struggle, wallowed in the hardship, consumed by the negativity? You know, one […]
What has been taken from you? What dream did you have that was taken before it was fulfilled? What opportunity were you living in, then it was gone? What direction were you going, then it was blocked? What good thing did you have going, then everything changed? I was fired from a job once. Actually, […]
Mark 6: 1-13 “Some time after this, Jesus crossed to the far shore of the Sea of Galilee and a great crowd of people followed him because they saw the signs he had performed by healing the sick. Then Jesus went up on a mountainside and sat down with his disciples. The Jewish Passover Festival […]
Mark 5:28-30, “For she thought to herself, “If I can just touch his robe, I will be healed.” Immediately the bleeding stopped, and she could feel in her body that she had been healed of her terrible condition. Jesus realized at once that healing power had gone out from him, so he turned around in […]
Did you know that water baptism as Jesus instructed is a very visual representation of what happens when we accept him as our Savior? Who we once were is to be washed away, and we are to rise up with Jesus in living a new life. Have you been rising up from how you used […]
Without the power of God’s Holy Spirit in our lives, we are constantly doing the things we know we shouldn’t do and living in a perpetual cycle of screw up and beat up. The power of our flesh is strong. We want what we want, and the flesh won’t stop nagging at you until you […]
Why is it you assume God could never use you? Why do you dismiss yourself from a greater calling on your life? Is it because you’ve never felt really good at anything? Is it because you are just a nobody? Is it because you’ve failed before, and you really wouldn’t want to fail God? Did […]
I have sooooo much goodness to share with you today for our Friday Bible Study together!Grab your Bible and study along with me to be blown away by God!Ecclesiastes 1:2-8Ecclesiastes 12: 13Romans 1:202 Corinthians 5: 17 Follow Pamela on Instagram – Facebook – out more about BIG Life –
Today, we continue our search for meaning and fulfillment in life. So far, we’ve found that trying to understand everything isn’t the answer. We can never understand the things of God. It’s not our place to know everything, it’s our place to trust there’s a bigger picture we cannot yet see. We’ve also found that […]
Where do we find meaning and fulfillment for this life? We’re all searching for it, but where do we find it? King Solomon was granted the gift of wisdom by God. He was made to be the wisest man ever to live, knowing more than anyone else. Yet, he too struggled to find meaning and […]
Have you ever come to the realization that you’ve been wrong? Girl, I had something so wrong. Almost embarrassingly wrong, because I’m pretty sure I taught it to you wrong too. There’s a potential danger in plucking quotable verses out of the Bible and using them out of context. I’ve been guilty of that. I […]
It’s time for our special Friday Bible study together!We will look at the story of Jesus healing the lame man in John 4, the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13, and Elijah praying for rain in 1 Kings 18.What could these 3 things tell us?“You Can’t Stay Here”Grab your Bible, Sis, today’s episode of […]
The moment you choose to believe in Jesus as your savior, you receive the gift of God’s Holy Spirit within you. So many of God’s girls are walking around today, totally unaware of the power inside of them. It’s already been given to us, now we need to use it! Salvation comes with receiving the […]
You’ve been working the numbers in your head and the numbers tell you don’t get your hopes up. You’ve been doing the math and the math has been discouraging. There’s no way this is going to be possible for you. There’s no way there’s enough. There’s no way it will all come together. That’s just […]
This morning you miraculously woke up to a reality filled with the very things you once prayed for. Really, look around … how much of what you have today was once a prayer? And how much of that has now become so normal, so ordinary, and so totally unimpressive that you fail to recognize it […]
In today’s unscripted Bible study, we dive into 2 of the 7 things God’sword says he hates. Oh wait, this applies to every one of us in thethoughts we choose to entertain! Follow Pamela on Instagram – Facebook – out more about BIG Life –