108 - Is Glyphosate Okay To Eat? Is It Doing Anything To Our Health? w/ Andrew Kimbrell
108 - Is Glyphosate Okay To Eat? Is It Doing Anything To Our Health? w/ Andrew Kimbrell  
Podcast: Just Ingredients
Published On: Mon May 01 2023
Description: Andrew Kimbrell is the founder and Executive Director of Center for Food Safety, a law, policy, and advocacy non-profit organization that protects people and the planet from the harmful impacts of industrial agriculture and advances the transition to an organic, regenerative food system. Through his leadership at CFS, Kimbrell has been at the forefront of legal challenges to genetically engineered crops, lawsuits forcing FDA to adopt new food safety regulations, and most recently a landmark case forcing the EPA to overturn their decision that glyphosate is safe for humans and imperiled wildlife. His legal work has also helped maintain the integrity of organic standards. As an author and public speaker, Kimbrell has been a leading proponent of regenerative forms of agriculture and organic policies for over 30 years. He is the editor of the nationally renowned book Fatal Harvest, The Tragedy of Industrial Agriculture and the author of Your Right to Know: Genetic Engineering and the Secret Changes in Your Food. In today’s episode, Andrew Kimbrell and I discuss all about glyphosate and other harmful toxins. He teaches us about how glyphosate has changed over time and how it affects our health and causes cancer. He dives into what organic means when it comes to labeling foods in the store. He teaches us about how The Center for Food Safety is passionate about protecting the integrity of organic. CFS Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/centerforfoodsafety/ CFS TikTok Page: https://www.tiktok.com/@centerforfoodsafety CFS Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/centerforfoodsafety CFS Website: https://www.centerforfoodsafety.org/ For 10% off every month, start your subscription today @justingredients.us