Yasir Khan: Speak Like a CEO, a Masterclass on Effective Public Speaking | Human Behavior E321
Yasir Khan: Speak Like a CEO, a Masterclass on Effective Public Speaking | Human Behavior E321  
Podcast: Young and Profiting with Hala Taha (Entrepreneurship, Sales, Marketing)
Published On: Mon Dec 09 2024
Description: As a child, Yasir Khan would run to the bathroom when it was his turn to give a presentation in class. To help break him out of his shell, his parents sent him to Canada, but the change of environment didn’t help. Desperately lonely, Yasir Googled, 'how do I make friends?' And that’s how he discovered Toastmasters. Although his first time in front of an audience was nerve-racking, he went back week after week, practicing public speaking. Eventually, he won a public speaking contest. Months later, he had done 40 workshops and had become a TEDx speaker. Today, he coaches some of the biggest CEOs in the world. In today’s episode, Yasir will break down the key skills for becoming a more effective speaker, from pacing and volume to storytelling and body language. In this episode, Hala and Yasir will discuss:  (00:00) Introduction (03:17) From Hiding in the Bathroom to CEO Coach (04:52) Your Voice Is Your Brand (06:29) Yasir’s Journey to Overcoming Fear (13:26) Conquering Speaking Anxiety (14:56) Steps to Sharpen Your Speaking Skills (27:24) Secrets to Keeping Audiences Engaged (32:20) Quick Tips for Effective Speaking (33:15) How to Sound Confident and Credible (41:00) Mastering the Art of Storytelling (52:22) Effective Networking Through Speaking (54:42) Yasir’s Advice for Aspiring Speakers Yasir Khan is a powerhouse public speaking coach and the founder of Speak Like a CEO, known for his ability to help top executives communicate effectively. Originally from Pakistan, Yasir fought through severe social anxiety to become a TEDx speaker, keynote speaker, and social media sensation. He has been hired by top leaders at Google, Apple, and Deloitte, and has built a thriving following of over 1.2 million followers on TikTok. With programs like his 10-Day Speaking Course and membership-based Speaking Academy, Yasir empowers his clients to enhance their communication skills, helping them present with confidence. Resources Mentioned: Yasir’s TED Talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/yasir_ali_khan_how_to_get_along_with_anyone  Top Tools and Products of the Month: https://youngandprofiting.com/deals/  Sponsored By: Airbnb - Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at airbnb.com/host Mint Mobile - To get a new 3-month premium wireless plan for just 15 bucks a month, go to mintmobile.com/profiting  Found - Try Found for FREE at https://found.com/profiting  Working Genius - Get 20% off the $25 Working Genius assessment at www.workinggenius.com/ with code PROFITING at checkout Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify    Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting    Active Deals - youngandprofiting.com/deals Key YAP Links Reviews - ratethispodcast.com/yap  Youtube - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting  LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/  Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/  Social + Podcast Services: yapmedia.com  Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com/episodes-new  All Show Keywords: Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship podcast, Business, Business podcast, Self Improvement, Self-Improvement, Personal development, Starting a business, Strategy, Investing, Sales, Selling, Psychology, Productivity, Entrepreneurs, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Technology, Marketing, Negotiation, Money, Finance, Side hustle, Startup, mental health, Career, Leadership, Mindset, Health, Growth mindset.  Human Behavior & Psychology Psychology, Mindset, Habits, Positivity, Self-Improvement, Personal Development, Human Nature, Human Psychology, Critical Thinking, Robert Greene, Chris Voss, Robert Cialdini