An Empire Builders Daily Routines - 164
An Empire Builders Daily Routines - 164  
Podcast: Bedros Keuilian Podcast Show
Published On: Tue Sep 15 2020
Description: In this episode, you’ll discover how the most successful Empire Builders think about their daily routines. Plus, you’ll learn how building a discipline daily routine creates massive success over time.  Here’s what you’ll discover: 0:45 - What to do after you start your work day and how to keep your energy levels up throughout the day. 11:11 How to ensure spontaneity while keeping up a disciplined routine and structure.  13:26 The late great Jim Rohn’s advice and perspective on discipline vs regret. 16:35 Why discipline comes from subtraction and not doing more new things.  18:53 Discover what Bedros does with his personal times on the weekends.  "If you want extraordinary results you have to do extraordinary things. If you do average things and expect extraordinary results you’ll be very very disappointed in every area of life " - Craig Ballantyne