#163: Horrors Inside Aston Hall Mental Hospital (Child Experiments)
#163: Horrors Inside Aston Hall Mental Hospital (Child Experiments)  
Podcast: Rotten Mango
Published On: Wed May 11 2022
Description: Truth serum. It has quite a dark history.The CIA tested the heavy sedative on suspected criminals, murderers, and terrorists. They hoped it would even the smartest spies to - well, tell the truth.It would be hard to imagine a world where truth serum was tested on children on a large scale. But it happened.In Aston Hall Mental Hospital a sick, twisted, depraved doctor hand-picked young girls to experiment on.He would have them admitted to his hospital where he pumped them full of truth serum and violently assaulted them. He filmed it all. And the truth took a very long time to come out.Full Source Notes: rottenmangopodcast.com