#69: The Walgreens Killers (Case of Patricia Columbo & Frank Deluca)
#69: The Walgreens Killers (Case of Patricia Columbo & Frank Deluca)  
Podcast: Rotten Mango
Published On: Wed Jun 02 2021
Description: When you step into this Walgreens it feels like any other - aisles filled with cosmetics, household goods, and a pharmacy. The employees are kind but they’re harboring their own dark secrets.  The woman in cosmetics had inappropriate relations with a German Shepherd and her ex boyfriend refuses to get rid of the incriminating pictures. The store manager has a deadly liking for underage girls.  Another employee is plotting the murder of 3 people.  But is this really more sinister than your local Walgreens?  Source Notes: rottenmangopodcast.com