"Foster Dad Flipper" Peter Mutabazi & the Journey of Parenthood
Podcast:The Journey with Morgan DeBaun Published On: Tue Sep 12 2023 Description: This week on the Journey, Morgan is joined by Peter Mutabazi, the Foster Dad Flipper! Peter's incredible story begins in the streets of Uganda and takes him to the US, where he overcame adversity as an unwanted and impoverished child and has become a beacon of hope for 34 foster kids and counting. In their conversation, Morgan and Peter delve into the journey of parenthood and challenge the notion that societal norms should dictate how we become parents. Peter also sheds light on the importance of being trauma-informed when it comes to fostering. As Morgan prepares to embark on the newborn parent journey, Peter also shares the delightful chaos of parenting, reminding us all that it's truly an adventure. He also discusses the bittersweet reality of helping children prepare for reunification with their birth parents. Overall, this insightful and heartwarming conversation expands our understanding of what it truly means to be a parent. More from Peter:https://www.instagram.com/fosterdadflipper/?hl=en https://www.linkedin.com/in/petermutabazi/ https://www.nowiamknownfoundation.org/ Additional Resources: https://worksmartprogram.ac-page.com/thejourneypodcast Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/thejourneybymdb Enjoyed This Episode? Listen to This Next: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/am-i-taking-maternity-leave-6-month-life-update-pregnancy-q-a/id1687058364?i=1000621498234 Produced by AosseyCreative