Episode 78: Jon Rothstein & The Inaugural Coldest White Boy Power Rankings
Podcast:The Mark Titus Show Rating: Explicit Published On: Fri Dec 01 2023 Description: Subscribe to Mostly Sports with Mark Titus and Brandon Walker on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@MostlySportsTitusandWalker?sub_confirmation=1 On today's episode we are joined by Jon Rothstein from CBS Sports to talk the ACC/SEC Challenge, and everything else going on in the world of college basketball. On the back half of the episode Mark gives out his Cold Ass White Boy power rankings, and the boys check in on eachother's mustache progress as movember comes to an end. Jon Rothstein is College Basketball's Hungriest Insider (self proclaimed). He works for CBS Sports, and hosts the College Hoops Today Podcast, and he creates content for the Fan Duel Sportsbook. He is a must follow for anyone who wants to get into College Basketball, and he is the king of catchphrases. Follow Jon Rothstein on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JonRothstein Follow Jon Rothstein on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jon.rothstein/ Show notes: Jump cut at 23:20 and 27:07 are because our internet went out (thanks Pete). We'll be back with a new episode Tuesday! Follow the show on all socials @MarkTitusShow