Podcast:A Thing or Two with Claire and Erica Published On: Mon Oct 24 2022 Description: We’re chatting with Recho Omondi, a fashion designer and the host of the incredible podcast The Cutting Room Floor, and you’re going to want to hear her Thingies (and everything else she’s interested in, honestly). Also: a tattoo that got our wheels turning. If you’re looking for a follow-up to our convo about living with longing, check out this this New Yorker article about choose your own adventure books by Leslie Jamison. See also: Lois Lowry on the 70 Over 70 podcast. Hit play on Recho’s podcast The Cutting Room Floor; do all your chores! A recent cool guest: Mina White. A few dream guests: Mel Ottenberg and Piergiorgio Del Moro. And if you’re YouTube-curious, Colin and Samir is a Recho-recommended channel. Recho’s Thingies include Kinn fine jewelry, Camber hoodies (more ℅ a recent GQ story) Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown (specifically the Massachusetts ep), Parachute linen bedding (our other recs: Linoto, and Merci), and her Jenni Kayne Home bed. Do you have dream Thingies guests? Share them with us at 833-632-5463, podcast@athingortwohq.com, or @athingortwohq. And try out a Secret Menu membership for more recommendations. Treat your curls to LUS and take 15% off your first purchase of $50 or more with the code ATHINGORTWO. Get the ecomm support you need with Shopify. Snag a free 14-day trial with our link. Feel your best in Honeylove and get 20% off with the code ATHINGORTWO. YAY. Produced by Dear Media