190: How Taylor Lorenz Turned Her Tumblr Obsession into an NYT Reporting Gig
190: How Taylor Lorenz Turned Her Tumblr Obsession into an NYT Reporting Gig  
Podcast: A Thing or Two with Claire and Erica
Published On: Mon Sep 09 2019
Description: Aaand we’re back! In this first post-hiatus episode, we’re talking tech with Taylor Lorenz, an incoming reporter for The New York Times whose byline has been synonymous with “ooh, this is going to be good!” for us for years. Listen in to hear how Tumblr (throwback, huh?) literally changed her career path and how she always gets the digital-world goss before the rest of us do. P.S. Follow Claire and Erica’s lead and let this chic Zoka Ceramics Pierced Cylindrical Vase scratch your itch for a new piercing—now 10% off with the code AFEWTHINGS. P.P.S: If you simply cannot wait for another ep of this podcast next week, pick up a copy of Work Wife to hold you over!